Officers and Timeline

Our Officers serve for a term of three years.

  • Chairman: Ron Browning
  • Vice chairman: Darlene Perry
  • Secretary: Kathleen Lee
  • Treasurer: Joseph Kiester
  • Membership Chair: Ron Browning
  • Community Manager: Tabitha Boehmer
  • Board of Directors members:
    Carol Nemeth
    Bob Greene
    Kathleen Lee
    Darlene Perry
    Ron Browning
    Joseph Kiester
    Kathleen Keen
    John Roger Lee
    others to be announced

Questions and comments to the Board Members can be directed to



Historic Havre de Grace Foundation Timeline:

March 13, 2012: Bob Greene spoke first about a foundation

October 9, 2012: a name was given – Historic Havre de Grace Foundation

October 9, 2012: a vision statement was made. Dedication to the preservation and promotion of the history and heritage of Havre de Grace

November 13, 2015: a mission statement was made. Mission of the historic Havre de Grace foundation is to Champion historic preservation of Havre de Grace as a means to interpret, the past appreciate the present, and shape the future

October 14, 2014: Bob Greene made a suggestion about the John O’Neill statue/monument plaque at church/plaque at cannon

November 11, 2014: Volney Ford spoke with the HPC about the Future foundation.

March 10, 2015: a committee was formed with Bob, Ron, Tom, and Darlene