Minutes of the Sept. 24, 2019 Meeting

The second meeting of the Foundation was called to order at 7pm.
Attendance: Ron B , Jim N , Carol N , Bob G , Kathleen L, Roger L , Kathy K , Darlene P , Jay L , Michael S

I. Report from Ron B, Acting President
A. Copy of Bylaws distributed. Will be sent as PDF file separately from these minutes. Points discussed:
Required annual meeting of Board and members will be held in March 2020, location TBD

Membership is composed of active and honorary members. Honorary members may be elected for services rendered to the Foundation. They have no voting rights. Ron suggested we elect Woody S , a local lawyer, for his generous donation of time and money in setting up the Foundation. Kathleen L made a motion to elect Woody S Carol N. seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Memberships run from January 1 to December 31. Ron suggested our 2019 memberships expire 12/31/20 instead of 12/31/19. Motion made by Kathleen L , seconded by Darlene P . Motion carried.

Discussed giving members a letter of acceptance and a membership card. Carol N volunteered to do this. She will work with Laurie D to design a card. Jay L recommended approaching restaurants and businesses to offer a discount to patrons who show a Foundation membership card. All agreed this is a good idea.

Ron pointed out that our Bylaws state that the President of the City Council or his/her designee may be an ex-officio member (no voting rights) of the Board. Members thought this could be beneficial to the Foundation and will consider it at a later date.

II. Old Business

A. Foundation logo has been chosen and approved by members – oval shape, color maroon outlined in gold with fleur-de-lis.

B. Bank account has been opened at Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union (APGFCU).

C. Membership brochure: members viewed and discussed various brochure samples provided by Carol Nemeth and Jim Nemeth. Laurie Dawson has volunteered to design the brochure. Carol N. will meet with her and send the final design via email for members’ approval prior to printing. Design can be changed in future printings.

D. Web site: Jay Loane is developing the Foundation web site. The address will be HDGHistory.org.
III. Treasurer’s Report by Acting Treasurer Jim Nemeth

Current balance is $335; $160 from memberships and $175 from cash donations . The costs for checks of $134 and logo design $250 was paid, respectively, by Jim Nemeth and Ron Browning from personal funds, which they consider a donation.

There have been no other expeditures. Jim N. has put together a membership roster. There are 10 paid members so far.
IV. Miscellaneous topics

A. Tabitha B , a volunteer for the Foundation, is investigating the use of KickStarter as a way for the Foundation to raise money to fund a John O’Neill statue

B. Darlene Perry mentioned a Facebook page for the Foundation. Jay volunteered to work on this.

C. Ron B. mentioned the annual Havre de Grace Oyster Feast coming up in November. This is an event sponsored by the City to raise money for local non-profits. The Foundation is now one of these non-profits and will receive $10 for each ticket sold if the purchaser designates the Historic Havre de Grace Foundation.

D. Moore Family Homestead: Foundation can accept furniture that the Burns’ family wants to donate. This furniture was once in the house. Lauri Orzewicz will initiate this with Missy, a Burns family member with whom she is acquainted. Darlene P. offered to write up a legal Donation form to accept the furniture. She, Ron B. and Carol N. will look at the items.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

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